Your ears are fragile parts of your body that require proper care to avoid damaging your eardrums and result in sudden hearing loss. If you’re using hearing aids, then it’s just as essential to keep good habits for your ears so you can continue hearing with the necessary support.
At the same time, it’s important to consider the fact that ears can clean themselves on their own. The earwax your ears produce works to clean and protect your ears, to keep you hearing the world around you without difficulty. As complicated as that might seem, knowing a bit about ear care can help you maintain your hearing sensitivity.
To help you out, here are some tips to follow to care for your ears:
Don’t Use Cotton Swabs Regularly
While cotton swabs are commonly used to clean one’s ears, it’s not a requirement to use them regularly—in fact, it’s recommended not to! Since ears can self-clean on its own, you can skip using cotton swabs that are known to harm your eardrums if you aren’t too careful about using it.
Avoid Undergoing Ear Candling
Ear candling is an ear treatment that has been gaining popularity through the years—yet it holds no scientific evidence that it can clean your ears effectively and get rid of debris in your ear canal. Just like cotton swabs, you can make do without experiencing ear candling, which could even be the cause of your hearing loss instead!
Instead, you could ask a doctor to clean your ears professionally to avoid any risks.
Avoid Places with Loud Noises
If you find yourself in a situation that involves listening to unpleasant sounds, then it’s best to stay away from it. Your ears can become extremely sensitive, especially when loud noises are involved. Exceeding past eighty-five decibels can significantly affect your ears and result in unwanted outcomes that can lead to total hearing impairment.
Wear the Right Protective Gear
Some people don’t have a choice and are required to be exposed to loud environments. If you’re stuck in a similar situation, the best thing you can do is wear the proper gear to protect your ears. You can wear protective earmuffs or a set of earplugs to reduce the chances of resulting in hearing loss in one or both your ears.
Maintain a Healthy Diet
What you eat and choose to consume can also make an impact on how your senses work, including your hearing capabilities. It’s essential to maintain a balanced diet and train your body to achieve a healthy lifestyle to have better hearing for the years to come.
Take Painkillers Only When Needed
The painkillers you consume when you have headaches, body pain, and other illnesses shouldn’t be taken regularly. They come in the form of aspirin or ibuprofen and can affect your hearing ability and lead to hearing loss over time. It’s best to take them only when you really can’t stand the throbbing pain you’re feeling. If absolutely necessary, then you could check with your doctor for any alternative medications to avoid having to take such medicines.
Never Make Smoking a Habit
Smoking cigarettes are bad enough for your body—but to add to its list of bad effects, it ruins your hearing sense too! The nicotine and other chemicals it’s made of can influence how your ear manages sound properly, which can lead you to hearing issues the longer you’re subjected to its effects.
While hearing loss isn’t a terminal condition, it can lead to numerous problems if it remains untreated. Visiting a hearing aid clinic is highly recommended, so a professional can keep track of the condition of your ears at all times. Having healthy ears can help you continue living a healthy life without worrying about ever losing the ability to hear for good.
Are you looking for a clinic that offers free hearing tests in Langley to ensure your ears aren’t experiencing any problems? Fraser Valley Beltone is a hearing centre in Langley and Abbotsford that provides quality hearing care for people who want to enjoy life to the fullest and obtain a healthcare partner like no other. Get in touch with us today!