Can Environmental Allergies Lead to Hearing Issues

Woman outside sneezing with environmental allergies lead to hearing issues

We all aim to live in an environment that is safe and healthy. However, there are times that no matter how we’ve tried to be free from sickness, we still become susceptible to adverse health conditions. For instance, allergies may seem to be a common health problem, but it can lead to other issues.

Some areas are prone to environmental allergies, including pollen, dust, and pet dander. They can cause inconvenience and affect the quality of your life. Commonly, the signs of allergies include a runny nose and itchy eyes. But in some cases, some people may experience symptoms like bad balance, tinnitus, and loss of hearing.  At this point, you may be wondering, how can environmental allergies lead to hearing issues?

How Do Environmental Allergies Lead to Hearing Issues?

When the body senses an environmental allergen, it reacts by producing a chemical known as histamine. This causes the common symptoms of allergies like itchy eyes and skin irritation. However, unknown to others, allergies can also cause fluid buildup in the inner and middle ear. This occurs when the body tries to prevent the allergen from getting it deeper into the ear canal. When pressure accumulates inside the ear, this can result in tinnitus, loss of hearing and balance, and other hearing issues. Itching, sneezing, and congestion can also lead to conductive hearing loss.


How to Manage Hearing Loss Due to Allergies

There are several ways to deal with the symptoms of allergies and prevent them from worsening. You can take over-the-counter medicines to find relief without side effects because they are safe to use in the long term. Some medications can also be mixed with some natural treatments to provide better effects. A saline solution and neti pot can be some examples.

If you’re taking a hot shower, it will be great to add a vapour tablet to provide relief to allergies. Of course, do not forget to make sure that your environment is free from allergens. Wipe surfaces with a damp cloth and wash your clothes with hot water every two weeks.

You can also utilize an air purifier to maintain good air quality. Keep your pets always clean by giving them regular bathing. Pets shed more if they’re allergic to the food they eat, so it’s a great idea to feed your pets dander-control pet food or find alternatives to the food they’re allergic to.


What If Over-the-Counter Meds Don’t Work?

If you notice that allergy symptoms and hearing problems continue to show in several weeks, this requires proper attention. Refer to your physician to get better medical advice.

Over-the-counter and natural remedies might not work in some circumstances. In cases like these, your physician may recommend getting an allergy shot from an allergist. Depending on your condition, your body may need a small amount of allergens. This will gradually help the body to learn how to manage and handle allergens.



Never disregard some symptoms like having pressure in your ears. If you think that an allergic reaction can be the reason why you’re experiencing problems in your ears, get a hearing exam. Your doctor will advise you to either take some medications or practice some helpful habits to reduce the allergic reaction.

Do you need help from an audiologist in Abbotsford and Langley, BC? Fraser Valley Beltone is the leading hearing aid clinic in the area. We provide hearing tests, and we are ready to set you up with any quality product you may need. Book an appointment today!


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