Hearing Loss and Vertigo: How Are They Related?

Woman with hearing loss also suffering from vertigo

Hearing loss is a problem that occurs when any component of your ear fails to function correctly. In Canada, an estimated 19 percent of adults (4.6 million) have mild hearing loss in the speech frequency range, with an even higher number (35 percent or 8.4 million) having some degree of hearing loss in the high-frequency range.

A variety of factors can cause hearing loss; vertigo may be one of them. And, in this article, we’ll delve into this matter.


What Is Vertigo?

Vertigo is spinning dizziness and a sense of being off-balance. People have described it as feeling as though the room or surroundings are whirling in circles around them. It is a symptom, not a sickness. Vertigo can be caused by various disorders, including labyrinthitis, vestibular neuritis, and Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV).


How Is Vertigo Related to Hearing Loss?

The labyrinth is a maze of bone and tissue in the inner ear. It contains components that are responsible for a person’s sense of balance. The cochlea, which houses the hearing nerve, is located within the labyrinth. Semicircular canals and the otolithic organs are located near the cochlea.

The ears are more than just for hearing. They house the vestibular system, which provides the brain with information about motion and spatial orientation. Therefore, it is well recognized that hearing loss, caused by inner ear disorders, can contribute to vertigo or balance issues.

Moreover, Ménierè’s disease might be the cause of your abrupt hearing loss and recent balance or dizzy difficulties. Once you start experiencing these symptoms, you must go to a hearing clinic to get medical help.


What Is Ménierè’s Disease?

Meniere’s Disease is an inner-ear condition that can cause problems with balance, hearing, and a sense of fullness in the ear. Meniere’s Disease affects around one in every 1000 Canadians or about 35,000 people. It affects both men and women equally, and it generally begins between the ages of 40 and 60.

This illness is characterized by acute episodes of dizziness (vertigo) and nausea. Other symptoms include gradual or temporary hearing loss in one ear or both, tinnitus (a sound that does not come from outside the ear), balance issues, and a sensation of fullness or pressure in the ear.

The etiology of Meniere’s Disease is unknown. A prevalent hypothesis claims that it is caused by an excessive quantity of fluid in the inner ear, which can be caused by autoimmune responses, allergies, viral infection, and head trauma, among other things.

Likewise, it has no recognized treatment. However, there are several typical therapies for symptom management. Dietary restrictions, cognitive therapy, pressure pulse treatment, surgery, medicines, and hearing aid usage are just a few of the options.



Hearing is critical in our day-to-day existence. It helps us communicate, learn, work, and analyze social and environmental conditions, among other things. The onset of hearing loss, however minor, cannot be reversed, so you must do your best to maintain it. You will feel better overall if you take care of your hearing health. If you have been experiencing any symptoms mentioned above, see a doctor as soon as possible.

An ENT doctor or audiologist can assist you by determining the source of your hearing loss and dizziness and providing treatment options to make you feel better.

Perhaps you want to take a hearing test at a hearing aid clinic near you. At Beltone Hearing Centre in Langley and Abbotsford, we take an approach to hearing care that no other company can match. It’s based on connecting with you and understanding what you enjoy in life and what’s important in a healthcare partner. Book an appointment today!

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