Hearing Loss Stages That You Should Be Aware of – Our Guide

Senior couple walking in a park

Most people realize that they suffer from hearing loss when it’s a little too late already. Hearing loss is often associated with age, so a lot of those who suffer aren’t aware that they have been experiencing mild symptoms early on. 

It is always a good idea to be informed about the different symptoms and levels of illnesses so that you can prevent it from developing and have it treated right away. Just like any severe disease, hearing loss has different levels that you should be aware of so that you can prevent it from getting worse and treat it accordingly. Here are the descriptions of each hearing loss stage that you can look back to when you’re starting to feel changes:

Can you still hear the clock ticking?

People who have mild hearing loss are those who are usually unaware of the tiniest sounds. Sounds like the ticking of the clock, quiet conversations, and the quiet of the countryside are some environmental sounds that people who have mild hearing loss can’t hear. People who have mild hearing loss have difficulty hearing sounds with sound levels below 20 to 40 decibels. 

Can you still follow conversations?

When you start to catch yourself asking your companion to repeat what they’re saying way too often, you may have moderate hearing loss. This type of hearing loss is a bit more obvious because normal speech is starting to be difficult for you to hear. Other sounds like a doorbell or the ringing of the phone may begin to be inaudible as well. 

People who have moderate hearing loss cannot hear sounds lower than 40 to 75 decibels. Normal conversations are difficult to understand, and you may not hear the ringing of the phone. Health experts recommend the use of hearing aids or middle ear implants to help improve your hearing. 

Did you not hear that car honk its horn?

Severe hearing loss is hazardous because most of the daily and normal sounds you hear begin to be inaudible for you. When you have severe hearing loss, normal conversations are difficult to follow without hearing aid, and you won’t hear traffic sounds as well.

It is advised to get the proper and professional treatment for this stage because this is dangerous for your health and may develop to a more extreme stage. Those with severe hearing loss cannot hear sounds below 61 to 80 decibels. Health experts would recommend having middle ear implants or cochlear implants, depending on the patient’s health.

Is it awfully too quiet?

People who have profound hearing loss or deafness cannot hear anything below 90 to 120 decibels. That means you can’t hear extremely loud sounds even with the help of a hearing aid. The sounds of traffic, airplane engines, sirens, and even fire alarms cannot be heard by those who have profound hearing loss. 

Those who have deafness adjust by learning how to lip read and use sign language to communicate. Some opt to get surgery and have a cochlear implant to help with understanding speech.


There are different treatments for every stage of hearing loss, so it is advisable to be aware of the descriptions of each stage so that you can get proper treatments. You can always prevent yourself from having hearing loss by doing simple things like minding the volume of your music, TV or conversations. It’s good to start taking care of your hearing while you still can.

Fraser Valley Beltone is a premium hearing centre in Canada. We offer high-quality hearing aids, noise and ear protection products, and even free hearing tests in Langley, BC. Book an appointment with us today!


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