How to Deal with Hearing Aid Feedback

Senior woman covering her ears because of hearing aid feedback noise

Some individuals are suffering from a decline in their sense of hearing or worse, total hearing loss. If they have seen a doctor and are properly diagnosed, they have been recommended to use a hearing aid. What’s good about modern hearing aid technology is how it allows people with hearing loss to hear again, not to mention to enjoy the sounds.

When wearing hearing aids, one problem they encounter, however, is the hearing aid feedback. Of course, no one wants to wear something that emits a high-pitched squeal or whistling sound. That said, here’s what you should know about hearing aid feedback and how to address this noise problem.

Hearing aid feedback in a nutshell

Hearing aid feedback includes sounds such as a squeal, screech, static, whistle, loud buzz, or hiss. It occurs when the acoustic signal or sound wave gets out of the ear canal and strike the hearing aid microphone. This feedback has been affecting some wearers of hearing aids. It is said that the more severe your hearing loss, the higher the chance of experiencing feedback.

Know, however, that today’s technology has significantly decreased the likelihood of hearing aid feedback. Most of these hearing aid models have digital processors designed to control the feedback. As long as the device fits well and works properly, then you won’t have any problems.

Three main types of hearing aid feedback

Now let’s further discuss the three main types of hearing aid feedback and what causes them.

  • Acoustical feedback: This occurs when the device doesn’t fit properly, or you have a significant wax buildup in the ear canal. The amplified sound produced by the hearing aid speaker is picked up by the hearing aid microphone.
  • Mechanical feedback: This occurs when the hearing aid speaker comes in contact with the hearing aid casing, thereby causing vibrations.
  • Electronic feedback: This occurs when the electrical circuits in your hearing device have a problem that needs to be fixed.


Practical tips for hearing aid feedback

While hearing aid feedback isn’t detrimental, the sounds can be annoying and distracting. For this reason, you want to do what it takes to address it. Below are a few practical tips:

  • If you start hearing feedback, make sure your hearing aid sits properly or fits your ear correctly.
  • If repositioning your earmold doesn’t work, flush your ear canal with an over-the-counter ear wax kit.
  • If you’re still experiencing feedback after the above-mentioned tips, visit a hearing aid clinic and see your hearing healthcare professional.


Final words

The feedback produced by your hearing aids may not be harmful, but can be extremely annoying and distracting in your day-to-day life. That said, consider the valuable tips mentioned above so you can address this noise problem.

Whether hearing the laughter of loved ones, a favourite melody, or the sounds of nature, hearing devices can significantly improve your sense of hearing and the quality of your life.

If you need help with addressing hearing aid feedback, Fraser Valley Beltone in Abbotsford, BC is your best option. Get in touch with us today to see how we can help!


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