At Fraser Valley Beltone, your ear and your hearing health is our number one priority. If you are experiencing pain or discomfort in your ear, or have noticed that sounds are muffled, it may be that you are experiencing a buildup of wax in your ear canal. To address this common concern, we are now pleased to offer a brand-new service in our Langley location! Every Friday we have Ear Wax Removal appointments available with a Registered Nurse who holds certification in Cerumen Management.
What is Ear Wax?
Ear wax, also known by the medical term cerumen, is a waxy substance secreted in the ear canal of humans and other mammals. Ear wax can be many colors, including brown, orange, red, yellowish, and gray. Ear wax protects the skin of the human ear canal, assists in cleaning and lubrication, and provides protection against foreign objects, bacteria, fungi, particulate matter, and water.
When is it too much?
While the presence of ear wax is completely normal, built-up or compacted cerumen can cause a blockage in the ear canal. This excess cerumen can press against the eardrum or block the outside ear canal, potentially causing hearing loss. Other symptoms that may accompany difficulty or muffled hearing may include:
- Earache
- Sensation of fullness in the ear canal
- Tinnitus, or ringing in the ear
- Conductive hearing lossĀ
The build up of ear wax is extremely common, especially in older adults.
What can I do about it?
The ear is self-cleaning, and over time cerumen is naturally pushed toward the opening of the ear canal. While having ear wax is normal and healthy, if you are experiencing discomfort or suspect a buildup may be affecting your hearing, you are advised to seek help from a healthcare professional. Your doctor, nurse or hearing specialist will use an otoscope to look at the entirety of your ear canal to determine if there is excess or impacted cerumen and discuss the best method to remedy it. The use of Q-tips or home remedies are not advised, although your healthcare provider may recommend drops of oil at home to soften dried up wax before he or she is able to conduct an extraction.
Book your 30-minute appointment for Ear Wax Removal to speak with our nurse about the best treatment for your excessive ear wax. We guarantee that the procedure is safe and gentle, leaving your ears feeling clean and clear of debris. Appointments can be made by calling 604-534-8663 or online at