Red Flags Indicating Your Child Is Experiencing Hearing Loss

Young child who is starting to have hearing issues

For a few reasons, it can be difficult to spot hearing loss in children. The signs may be more subtle, and children may not realize they have a problem because they don’t know any difference. Here are some common signs that your child may have hearing loss.

1. Your Child Doesn’t Always Respond to Conversations

Children with hearing loss may seem to hear you, but it can be difficult for them to pick up what you are saying. They may not respond when you call them to dinner, or they may not notice when you ask them to do something until you say their name loudly or repeat yourself.

The more background noise there is, the harder it can be to hear what you are saying.

2. Your Child Has Little to No Reaction to Loud Noises

Children with hearing loss may not react to loud, sudden noises, such as the beep of your car’s horn, the doorbell, or the sound of a fire engine, because they had not heard these sounds when they were louder than they are now. If they don’t look in your direction when you call them, they may not hear you.

You tried turning up the TV volume and still can’t get a response? That could be due to hearing loss.

3. Your Child Does Not Interact with Noise-Making Toys Often

Children with normal hearing usually love to play with noisy toys. If your child avoids toys that make a loud noise, it could be a sign that they are having trouble hearing certain sounds.

It’s also important to remember that not all toys are appropriate for children with hearing loss and can even make things worse.

4. Your Child Talks Louder than Other Kids

Does your child have to yell to have a conversation with other kids? If so, this could be a sign of hearing loss. A child with normal hearing must be able to have a conversation with a friend without shouting.

Your child’s pediatrician can conduct tests to determine whether your child is having difficulties.

5. Your Child Misinterprets Words

Children with hearing loss often misinterpret what they hear, which can lead to misunderstandings. This can be frustrating for both your child and anyone they are speaking with.

Mishearing words can also lead to gaps in a child’s vocabulary. A child who cannot hear well may use fewer words than other children their age.

6. Your Child Cannot Follow Instructions Accurately

A child with hearing loss may hear instructions but may have difficulty processing them or following them. This is because a child with hearing loss may start to rely on their vision to compensate for the loss of hearing.

This can lead to difficulties with reading and writing, as well as other academic and social difficulties.

7. Your Child Seems to Avoid Conversation

Children with hearing loss may be less likely to talk with others. This can be frustrating for both the child and their parents. Your child may not be able to understand what people are saying and, therefore, may not try to engage in conversation.


If you notice any of these signs in your child, contact your pediatrician to see if hearing tests are in order. It’s important to note that not all children with hearing loss will display these signs. They may have trouble hearing, but you may not notice any other symptoms.

A pediatric hearing practitioner can use a variety of tests to determine whether your child has hearing loss. If they do, your child may be able to benefit from a hearing aid, which can help improve their quality of life and communication skills.

If you are looking for the best hearing clinic in Langley, look no further than our expertise here at Fraser Valley Beltone. We take an approach to hearing care that no other company can match. It’s based on connecting with you as a person – and understanding what you enjoy in life and what’s important in a healthcare partner. Call us today to book your child’s first hearing test with us.

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