loud noise

Important Reasons You Should Avoid Pretending to Hear

Sometimes, when you don’t know it, you’re slowly developing hearing loss for not following what the other person is saying.…

3 Practical Ways to Look After Your Hearing Health: A Guide

To ensure you can look after your hearing health and tell others about this important issue, consider the following practical…

Everything You Should Know About Noise-Induced Hearing Loss

Prolonged exposure to loud noises, such as loud music, construction noise, or aircraft noise, can cause permanent hearing loss. This…

4 Areas You Need to Avoid to Prevent Hearing Loss

In terms of loudness, anything that is above 85 dB can lead to hearing loss over time. The louder it…

Hearing Problems 101: Will Tinnitus Go Away in Time

Tinnitus manifests from many things, ranging from broken or damaged hairs on one’s inner ears to turbulence in a carotid…

7 Effective Ways You Can Take Care of Your Ears

Your ears are fragile parts of your body that require proper care to avoid damaging your eardrums and result in…

Ringing in Your Ears: It Might Be Tinnitus – What to Know

Tinnitus is not a life-threatening condition, but it can affect the quality of your life especially if you experience it…