4 Tips to Adjust to Your Hearing Aids

wearing hearing aid

Hearing aids are life-changing devices that make life so much more convenient for people who are hard of hearing. However, some individuals find it challenging to adjust to having an electronic gadget in or over their ears. Those who have lost their auditory senses for a long time may also find the change quite shocking, so it may take a while for them to get used to the feeling.

It is normal to feel a little lost and disoriented when you wear hearing aids for the first time. Your brain is not used to handling this sensory information, and unlike wearing glasses for visual conditions, these devices take much longer for a person to adjust to. With this, here are some tips to help you embrace the change:

Tip #1: Don’t Expect Your Hearing to Be Perfect

Setting realistic expectations is key to a quick and successful adjustment period. You’ll have to accept that your hearing will not be perfect, but it will be significantly better. After all, hearing aids are not an instant cure to hearing loss, and they do not have the exact same capabilities as normally functioning ears. 

Hearing aids are merely tools that will help you regain some of your lost senses. You will still likely have trouble tuning into conversations in noisy environments, but this is normal even for those without hearing loss.

Tip #2: Educate Yourself

Educating yourself regarding hearing aids will do wonders for your adjustment. You’ll get to know more about your condition, treatment, and outcomes so that you will have more realistic expectations and better knowledge about your lost senses. Some organizations hold hearing aid classes to help you understand these devices and how to adjust to them better. 

Tip #3: Wear Them as Much as You Possibly Can

It can be startling and overwhelming to wear hearing aids for the first time because sounds will be significantly amplified. Your brain will take a while to get used to the new sensations, and many people report feeling sensory overload because even the most minute of sounds bother them, such as the hum of a refrigerator or the squeaking of a door. Not being able to filter background noises that many others tend to ignore can most certainly be frustrating at first.

The trick to better adjustment is to wear the hearing aids as much as possible, only taking them off when you sleep, swim, and shower. Doing so will help train your brain to process auditory signals more readily, reducing the chances of having a sensory overload over time. It takes a lot of practice, but it will all be worth it in the long run.

Tip #4: Be Patient and Adopt a Positive Attitude

Being patient and adopting a positive attitude may sound easier said than done, but they do wonders for your adjustment period. Your behaviours toward adopting a new lifestyle will significantly influence how well you adjust, so it’s best to remember that it will not take long until you get used to it! However, if you don’t notice any improvements even after several weeks, it may be best to visit a specialist.

The Takeaway

Some people become used to wearing hearing aids right away, but others struggle with sensory overloads and other issues. The adjustment period varies from person to person, so it’s best to find practices that work for you. Keep these tips in mind as you take the journey to better hearing!

If you’re looking for hearing aids in Fort Langley, BC, Fraser Valley Beltone has you covered. Our hearing instrument practitioners can help outfit you with the best devices that suit your lifestyle. Contact us today!

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