Here’s What You Need to Know About Hearing Tests

Man receiving a hearing test at Fraser Valley Beltone in Abbotsford

Most of us may overlook our health concerns until troubling symptoms start to appear. Hearing checkups, for instance, are often disregarded, not knowing that doing this can create even more serious problems. Hearing problems start to develop during middle age and may impact the daily living of the patients.

It would be helpful to consider a hearing test as a screening rather than an exam. Some individuals assume that hearing tests are only for those who have hearing issues, but it is not. A hearing screening can help uncover different medical and physical issues, thus preventing them from getting worse.


Benefits of a Regular Hearing Test

  • Diagnose health conditions – Although aging is known to be the most common cause of hearing loss, some underlying health conditions can also cause it. Some of these include diabetes, high blood pressure, and tinnitus.
  • Recognize potential problems – When you undergo a hearing test, you’ll be able to monitor changes in your hearing ability. This will allow you to make the necessary adjustments. A hearing specialist will evaluate your audiogram results to know potential risks such as noise-induced hearing loss and earwax buildup.
  • Alleviate further damage – When hearing problems are not treated promptly, they can result in even more severe health conditions. Patients may suffer from anxiety, depression, and the feeling of isolation. The elderly are at high risk of injuries if they suffer from hearing loss because they have difficulty hearing smoke alarms, car horns, and any sound that signals danger.
  • Get the proper treatment – The discovery of a hearing problem can prevent hearing loss from getting worse. You can start treating hearing loss right away, thus, getting rid of further complications. A hearing care provider can also help you decide which treatment option will work best for you and your lifestyle.


When Should You Schedule a Hearing Test?

When you notice the following symptoms and warning signs, you should schedule a hearing test immediately:

  • You ask people to repeat themselves – When you lean forward or move closer to people when they speak, that can be a symptom that you have a hearing problem. Also, when you ask them to repeat what they, or say ‘what?’ several times, that can be another warning sign that you need a hearing test.
  • You’re not comfortable talking on the phone – You find yourself avoiding or being reluctant to talk on the phone because you prefer to rely on facial reactions and cues to understand a conversation.
  • You have difficulty hearing and understanding high-pitched sound – Failure to hear and comprehend high-pitched noises is a sign you need to get tested. Some patients may also fail to hear instrumental music, animal sounds, and voices of children and women.
  • You work in a noisy environment – A high level of noise can impact your health negatively, leading to damaging your ears.
  • You hear ringing in your ears – If you often experience whooshing, buzzing, or ringing in the ears, you are most likely suffering from tinnitus. A hearing expert can evaluate the causes of hearing loss and provide the proper treatment.



Scheduling a hearing test can help diagnose hearing problems early and provide the best treatment possible. Not only that, but screening can lower the risks of more serious problems as you grow older. Make sure to consult with a reliable hearing aid clinic to get the best treatment to alleviate the risk of hearing loss issues.

Protect your hearing health and find out what you can do to alleviate hearing loss by getting a hearing test in Langley, BC from Fraser Valley Beltone. We provide follow-up care and an in-office hearing aid demonstration. Contact us and book an appointment today!


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