Your Comprehensive Guide to Hearing Loss and Hearing Tests

Man receiving a hearing exam at Fraser Valley Beltone Langley

If you experience recurring incidences of hearing loss, you may want to go through a professional hearing test. This is more commonly referred to as audiometry, which is a medically-proven way to evaluate the range of your hearing ability. However, you need to understand a couple of important things before you for this type of hearing test.

This article will orient you on audiometry tests and what you can expect. You will also learn about the basics of your ear and what may be the cause of your recurring deafness.

1. Know about the basics of your ear and hearing loss

You need to know the basic anatomy of your ear and its features, as it is foundational knowledge for all hearing loss patients. This information will help you better understand your unique condition and your local ear doctor or audiologist.

All you need to know is that there are three main parts of the ear. These are the outer, middle, and inner ear. Your audiologist will refer to these areas when they talk about your specific hearing loss case.

After the hearing test, you may be diagnosed with either sensorineural or conductive hearing loss. The former refers to a damaged ear nerve or cochlea, while the latter refers to a damaged eardrum or the tiny bones found somewhere in between the outer and middle ear. With this basic knowledge, you can better understand your condition and what you need to do to treat and manage it.

2. Take note of the basic features of your audiometry

During your audiometry, the audiologist will test your sensitivity to a range of different sounds, pitches, or frequencies. There is a series of tests that you will undergo, and this is done in a sound-proof, padded room that looks like a recording booth.

You will then put on headphones so that the audiologist can assess your hearing loss. They will playback sounds and determine the severity of your hearing loss based on your responses. This is done through a scale with the following categories: normal, mild, moderate, severe, and profound.

All basic audiometry consultations have the following screening tests: word recognition, pure tone, tympanometry, and acoustic reflex. These tests accurately determine your overall hearing capacity and will be comprehensively explained to you by a professional audiologist.

3. Concern yourself with the necessary recommendations and life adjustments

After your audiologist consultation, it is highly likely that you will be given a hearing aid. This device will effectively correct your hearing. You may have to go back for routine appointments, depending on the results of your hearing test.

You will then also have to readjust to your new hearing, as you may have adjusted to your hearing loss by developing habits like shouting when speaking to people. Remember to pace yourself as you adjust to wearing your hearing aid.

4. Talk to your colleagues and family about your hearing loss

Now that you are gradually coping with your hearing loss, you need to let your immediate family and workmates know about it. Doing so will help you gain much-needed support and empathy surrounding your condition. There may also be some viable benefits that you can gain to manage your hearing loss better.

In Canada, key organizations, such as the Canadian Hard of Hearing Association, are dedicated to giving all hearing-impaired individuals equal opportunities. Consider joining a support group or association to empower these efforts. This is your chance to help others like you who may be suffering through their hearing loss alone.


With this guide’s help, you can understand the gradual adjustment you will need to undergo as you treat your hearing loss. Don’t forget to seek the necessary and professional hearing care you need today!

Are you looking for a professional hearing clinic in Langley City? Consult with us at Fraser Valley Beltone. We have licensed audiologists and state-of-the-art hearing care services and equipment to guide you through your hearing loss. Get your professional hearing test with us today!




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