5 Mistakes to Avoid When Getting Your First Hearing Aid

Senior woman talking with hearing aid practioner at an appointment

When you’re about to go to a hearing clinic to get your hearing aid, you want to ensure that you will get the best one that will suit your needs. That’s why you need to be careful when choosing and diligent in going to your consultations and appointments.

Your hearing aid will help improve your hearing, but it can also cause more problems if you commit any of these mistakes: 

1. Thinking It’s An Overnight Miracle

If you’re thinking that wearing a hearing aid will improve your hearing significantly the next day, you’ll only end up disappointed. Most of the time, hearing aids have a noticeable effect on a person’s hearing in a month or so. When you get your hearing aid, you need to adjust to it first, and one way to do this is to have a conversation with someone in a quiet area. 

It’s natural to feel a bit disoriented to hear simple voices because they may be different at first. As days go by, you can start wearing the hearing aid to new places and for a more extended period. Keep in mind that the first few days and weeks of wearing a hearing aid is critical. Be patient, and soon enough, you’ll get used to it and the voices that you hear. 

2. Being Dishonest About the Level Of Your Hearing Loss

When you go to an audiologist’s clinic for a hearing test, be 100 percent truthful about what you can and can’t hear. If you’re not honest, you might end up with a hearing aid that will not give you the results you want. An accurate assessment of the level of your hearing loss will help determine the style of the hearing aid that will work best for you. 

3. Not Going To A Hearing Aid Fitting

Aside from letting you hear more clearly, your hearing aid should also be comfortable to wear, which means you need to go for a fitting. This will allow you to find the right type of hearing aid that improves your condition and is comfortable to wear and remove. You might need to come for more than one session of fitting until you find the perfect one that will suit your needs.

During a hearing aid fitting, you will go through hearing tests, have your ears measured, and undergo specialized diagnostics that can modify the power of the device. 

4. Not Making An Effort To Learn How Hearing Aids Work

A hearing aid is not something you just put in your ears and just forget about. It comes with many features that you should be familiar with. These days, hearing aids do more than make sounds louder. Take the time to learn how your hearing aid works by tinkering with the various settings. This will let you see how much better you can hear and whether the sound quality is to your liking. 

5. Not Tracking Your Results

As mentioned, the first few weeks are crucial once you finally receive your hearing aid. During this time, remember to take note of the results and the overall experience. This will let you identify the areas in which your hearing aid might need further adjustment, allowing you to go back to the clinic to recalibrate or refit your hearing aid to your specific needs.


Don’t get ahead yourself when you get a hearing aid. It might be exciting to get fitted for one, but you have to be considerate of several factors to ensure great results. Keep these common mistakes in mind so that you can avoid them. 

Get quality hearing aids from a reputable hearing clinic in Langley. Fraser Valley Beltone will help improve your hearing through high-quality devices! Contact us today. 


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