Clogged Ears: What Could Be the Reasons for Feeling It

woman covering her ears

Do you feel like something is clogging your ears and preventing you from hearing as well as you should? You’re not alone. Many people suffer from blocked ears at some point, but what could be causing it? 

This blog post will look at the top three most common causes of ears feeling clogged and how to treat them. 

1. Developed Wax Through the Ear Canal

There are many points why someone might have clogged ears. One of the most common is a wax buildup in the ear canal. 

Earwax is a natural substance produced by the body to protect the ear from dirt and debris. However, sometimes earwax can build up, causing a blockage. This can be caused by using cotton swabs to clean the ears, as this can push the wax further into the canal. 

It can also be caused by wearing hearing aids or other devices that fit snugly in the ear canal. If wax buildup is not removed, it can harden and become difficult to remove. In severe cases, it can even lead to an infection. 

2. Presence of Fluid 

Fluid in the ear is a common cause of clogged ears. The fluid may build up due to allergies, a cold, or a swimmer’s ear. 

When you have fluid behind your eardrum, it is called otitis media with effusion. The medical term for fluid in the ear is serous otitis media. The fluid may be thin and watery, or it may be thick and sticky. The sticky kind is called mucoid otitis media. 

Fluid in the ear can cause pain, Hearing loss, Tinnitus (ringing in the ears), and Vertigo (a spinning sensation). Most cases of serous otitis media go away within two weeks. 

However, some people may need medication such as antibiotics or steroids to clear the fluid. In rare cases, surgery may be necessary to drain the fluid.

3. Trouble in Your Jaws and Muscle

Several things can cause this strange phenomenon, two of the most common being muscle tension or problems with the jaw. 

When it comes to the former, ear clogs are often the result of unconsciously clenching the teeth or grinding them throughout the day. This stresses the Jaw muscles unnecessarily, leading to pain and spasms. The latter occurs when there is a misalignment in the Jaw, which again puts undue stress and strain on the muscles in that part. 

As a result, these tight and uncomfortable muscles can cause a person’s ears to feel clogged. While neither of these causes is particularly serious, they can be very annoying and make it difficult to hear correctly. As such, it is essential to be aware of them and to see a doctor if the problem persists.

Effects of Clogged Ears 

While mildly annoying, the effects of clogged ears are usually temporary and not cause for concern. However, in some cases, clogged ears can lead to hearing loss. 

Left untreated, these blockages can permanently damage the hearing nerve, leading to deafness. While most situations of hearing loss are irreversible, it is vital to seek medical attention if you experience any prolonged or severe symptoms. 

By taking measures to prevent and treat ear blockages, you can help protect your hearing health.


Ears that feel clogged can be annoying and uncomfortable, but they usually aren’t severe. By understanding what might be causing them and trying some simple remedies, you should be able to get relief quickly.

If you’re dealing with any of the ear symptoms above, including ears that feel clogged, don’t wait. Call us today and book an appointment for a hearing test in Langley and Abbotsford. We’ll look at your ears and find out what’s going on, and then we’ll work with you to find the best solution for your needs. With Fraser Valley Beltone, you can be sure you’re getting the best care for your hearing health.

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