Factors to Consider for a Successful Hearing Aid Fitting

hearing aid

People who hear things differently or have hearing issues are often recommended to buy hearing aids. This can help them interpret and hear the sound better and communicate better. Once you go in for a fitting, you must be communicative about your needs and preferences to find the best fitting and appropriate hearing aids. To help you, here are some factors you must consider:

Level of Hearing Loss

Levels of hearing loss determine the kind of hearing aids you get. If you have mild hearing loss, you might not need to spend money on a high-end hearing aid. A cheaper model will work perfectly for you. However, if you have severe hearing loss, you will need a high-quality model to make up for your loss. Get a hearing test in Adelaide to determine the level of noise you hear. This can help you pick out the right kind of hearing aid.

Condition of the Ears

You might be in good health, and your hearing loss is not due to ageing or any other kind of ailment. However, you can still have hearing issues due to the inner or middle ear. This can affect the quality of sound transmission. A hearing test can help you determine whether any conditions will prevent you from using a hearing aid.

Wearing Style

While all hearing aids look pretty much the same, they are different styles to be worn. You can choose between two styles: in-the-ear (ITE) or in-the-canal (ITC). ITE is slightly more comfortable and discreet than ITC, and people who wear hearing aids daily prefer it. ITC has been known to cause irritation and infections of the inner ear.

Audio Quality

Even though hearing aids have better sound quality on average, that does not mean all hearing aids have the same quality. You can do a lot of research about different hearing aids and compare their features before going in for a fitting. Once you narrow down your options, you can request a demo hearing aid and see how it sounds.

How the Hearing Aid Feels

Hearing aids are not always comfortable to wear. This is not a problem if you wear it once a week or even once a month. However, if you will be wearing it every day, you need to find a hearing aid that feels comfortable. Some people like hearing aids with a bit of weight. This helps them feel the hearing aid is there. While there is nothing wrong with feeling the hearing aid, be sure not to make it too heavy.


There is no limit to how much you can spend on a hearing aid. However, you should look at your budget and see how much you can afford to spend and how the prices stack up with your needs and preferences. If you have a budget in mind, it is best to see if your option is within the price range you need to be happy and satisfied with.

The Bottom Line

Hearing aid technology has come a long way, and you should not just settle on the first hearing aid you come across. Look at competitors’ hearing aids. Don’t be afraid to ask the experts about the features you want, and only then can you settle on a hearing aid that affords you everything you need and want.

Fraser Valley Beltone is a hearing clinic located in Langley, Fort Langley, and Abbotsford. We provide unmatched hearing care in quality, excellence, and care. Our ultimate goal is to help all our patients get what they need to enjoy life. Contact us today to learn more.

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