How to Tell If Your Hearing Aid Doesn’t fit Properly

Woman receiving a free hearing test at the Abbotsford Beltone Hearing Centre location

Hearing aids are worn in or around the ear to assist people who have hearing loss in hearing better. There are various types and styles of hearing aids, and each person with hearing loss has unique needs. 

Choosing a hearing aid that fits properly is one of the most important things you must consider. An ill-fitted hearing aid can be complicated to use, so it is essential to take the time to find the right one for you.

Here are some signs that your hearing aid isn’t fitting properly:

1. The Device Is Uncomfortable or Painful to Wear

If you have experienced wearing a hearing aid that is not fitted, you know how uncomfortable and painful it can be. Fortunately, this problem can be avoided by working with an experienced audiologist to ensure your hearing aid fits properly. When you visit an audiologist, they will consider several factors.

2. It’s Difficult to Understand Speech with the Hearing Aid in Place

Hearing aids are designed to improve hearing. However, they can make it more difficult to understand speech if not correctly fitted. This is because the hearing aid amplifies all sounds, including background noise. This can make it difficult for the person wearing the hearing aid to focus on the person speaking.

If you’re having trouble understanding speech with your hearing aid in place, make sure to check the fit. 

3. You Do Not Hear as Well as You Should Be

If you have a hearing aid, it is vital to ensure it is fitted correctly. Otherwise, you may not be hearing as well as you should be.

There are a few things to keep in mind when fitting a hearing aid:

  1. The hearing aid should be comfortable. It should not be too tight or too loose.
  2. The hearing aid should be appropriately positioned. It should be in the ear canal and pointing towards the eardrum.
  3. The hearing aid should be set at the right volume.

You should be able to hear people speaking at an average volume without strain.

If you are unsure if your hearing aid is fitted correctly, you should consult your audiologist. They will be able to help you make sure your hearing aid is positioned perfectly and set at the right volume.

4. You Experience Feedback or Whistling Sounds

One sign that your hearing aid is not fitted correctly is if you experience feedback or whistling sounds. This can happen if the hearing aid is not positioned perfectly in the ear canal. Additionally, feedback can occur if the hearing aid is too high of a volume.

If you are experiencing feedback from your hearing aid, be sure to consult with your audiologist. They will be able to help you adjust the fit of your hearing aid and ensure it is set at an appropriate volume level.


If you feel like your hearing aid is not fitting correctly, there are a few things you can do to troubleshoot the issue. Consult with your audiologist to see if there might be a problem with the device or if you need to make any adjustments. You can also try cleaning the hearing aid and ensuring the ear mold fits snugly in your ear. If the problem persists, it might be time to consider a new hearing aid. 

Visit your hearing aid clinic if you ever find difficulty with your hearing aids. Every hearing aid style produced by Fraser Valley Beltone is designed with comfort and ease. We want to get to know you as a person to meet your specific hearing needs. Come see us today! 

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