Our Guide to High-Frequency Hearing Loss & How to Prevent It

Woman wearing headphones startled by loud noise, takes them off to look after your hearing health

One of the most common types of hearing loss is called a high-frequency hearing loss. As the name suggests, sounds at high frequency (highly pitched sounds) cannot be heard by the individual with such a problem. 

Stereocilia is what’s responsible at translating vibrations in the air into electrical pulses that your brain perceives as sound. High-frequency hearing loss, or any hearing loss for that matter, happens when the stereocilia are damaged. It isn’t a problem that only affects older people either, but anyone at any age level. 

The Dangers of Hearing Loss

High-frequency hearing loss isn’t only a matter of losing the ability to hear high-pitched sounds. In younger children, this kind of hearing loss can impede the ability to communicate properly and is detrimental to the development of their ability to socialize. It can affect their academic performance, and they can slowly become more isolated from friends and even family. 

As for older adults, high-frequency hearing loss can cause individuals to become more socially isolated, leading them into depression and other dangerous issues.

Here are the causes of high-frequency hearing loss:

1. Genetics

If a family has a history of experiencing high-frequency hearing loss, then their children will most likely develop it as well. There isn’t any way to avoid this, other than being lucky enough that an individual doesn’t get the bad end of genetics.

2. Diseases

Different types of diseases can also cause high-frequency hearing loss. Diseases, such as Meniere’s disease, affect the inner section of the ear, causing hearing loss, dizziness, and other ear-related issues. However, this type of disease is only shared among people between the ages of 30 and 50. For younger people, hearing loss can be caused by in-ear infections like chronic otitis media. If left untreated, the damage can be permanent, meaning the individual will experience hearing loss forever.

3. Age

Age also plays a massive role in high-frequency hearing loss. Presbycusis, age-related hearing loss, slowly occurs during a person’s lifetime, and it is tough to notice. However, one of the first symptoms that an individual is experiencing this kind of hearing loss is difficulty understanding speech in noisy places.

4. Loud Noise

Deafening noises like explosions or prolonged exposure to loud sounds like rock concerts can deteriorate one’s ability to hear. In other words, a boom can instantly cause permanent hearing loss, while exposure to loud noises can slowly damage the stereocilia in the ear.

How to Prevent Hearing Loss

Unfortunately, high-frequency hearing loss cannot be fixed. However, it can be prevented, and one of the best ways to do this is to be proactive. Stay away from loud environments with 85 decibels or louder. If you love to listen to music, especially with earphones on, make sure it isn’t too loud. 

Also, if you listen to music in noisy environments, you’ll tend to turn up the volume to hear the song. That isn’t good for you, so invest in a pair of noise-cancelling earphones. That way, you can listen to your music in low volumes while still being able to enjoy all the little details in your music. 

If you are forced to work in a noisy environment, such as building construction, always wear ear-protection equipment. Not only will it keep your ears safe from constant noise, but it will also keep any debris away from your eardrums.

If you’re experiencing any form of hearing loss, get your ears checked out right away. That way, you can determine if you need a pair of hearing aids, or some form of medication to address diseases that has hearing-loss as its symptoms.

If you are looking for a free hearing test in Langley, BC, get in touch with us today! We’re happy to help.



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