Terms & Conditions
By participating in this Promotion, nominators, nominees, finalists and recipients agree Fraser Valley Beltone and its authorized agents have no liability whatsoever for, and shall be held harmless against any liability for injuries, losses or damages of any kind (including direct, indirect, incidental, consequential or punitive damages) to persons or property resulting from the Promotion, including the acceptance, possession, use or misuse of the hearing aids.
Unless otherwise authorized, any personal information provided by the nominator, nominee, finalist or recipient when they participate in the Promotion, will be used only for the administration of the Promotion however all parties may give their express, opt-in consent to receive electronic messages from Fraser Valley Beltone. All personal information Fraser Valley Beltone or its authorized agents collect will be handled in accordance with the Fraser Valley Beltone privacy policy which may be found at https://www.beltone.com/en-ca/privacy.