Tips to Avoid Losing Your Hearing When Using Headphones

Woman with headphones around her neck outside

Many people love listening to music on their smartphones and other electronic devices while plugging in their headphones for a unique experience. While that’s completely okay, you must make sure you don’t listen to loud music or increase the volume past your limits or else you’re bound to experience damage to your hearing.

Failing to remain cautious about your decisions could result in permanent hearing damage, and nobody wants that. Fortunately, you can avoid it by making conscious decisions and striving to protect your ears to keep you from turning to hearing aids.

Keep reading below to find out how to use headphones correctly and other methods that will keep your ears safe and prevent your desired volume from harming your hearing over time.


You Could Lower the Volume

One essential solution to avoid damaging your hearing whenever you put on your headphones is to make sure to lower your volume. You can settle for eighty decibels and listen to music, and even when you do it for over a day, it won’t affect your hearing.

If you’re using an iPhone, for example, you should set your volume to sixty percent. When you utilize good-quality headphones, you can still look forward to enjoying your music clearly. When you control your music’s volume, taking a hearing test is the least of your concerns.


You Could Set a Volume Limit

Nowadays, the smartphones you can use have configuration settings that help you choose the maximum volume of your audio. That way, you can prevent going past the safe limit, especially during the times you forget and you seem to increase the volume of your music.

All you have to do is pull up your phone’s settings menu and look for the volume limit feature. If you can’t find it, you could also search for it on the internet for a more in-depth guide. Setting a volume limit is especially helpful for kids and teenagers who are always on their mobile phones and tablets, often listening to music and watching videos.


You Could Avoid Turning the Volume Up

If you’re in a place that deals with a lot of noise, say you’re on a plane or in the middle of traffic and cars around you are honking non-stop, you may be tempted to increase the volume on your phone. When you make your music louder, it could cover the noise around you and give you an easier time hearing what you’re playing.

However, it isn’t a good idea for your hearing and becomes a bad habit in the long run. Every time you increase the volume of your music, you raise the decibel levels for your ears and put yourself in danger of experiencing hearing damage. To get rid of background noise better, you could purchase noise-cancelling headphones instead.


You Could Control Your Usage

If you must listen to music at a significantly higher volume, the least you can do is avoid doing it all the time. Limiting your exposure to loud sound can go a long way and prevent you from landing an appointment at a hearing clinic.

The longest you can turn your volume up and enjoy music as clear as possible is ten minutes. When you listen to music next time while the volume is up, before you hit the time limit, it’s best to stop if you want to preserve your hearing and let your ears rest.



The improper use of headphones is just one of the many reasons people experience hearing damage. If you wish to preserve your clear hearing for the years to come, the best thing you can do is be aware of your choices and make the necessary arrangements to prevent hearing loss. Every time you use your headphones, you could lower the volume, set a limit, avoid turning it up, and control your usage accordingly. Doing those little changes saves you from visiting an audiologist because you noticed that your hearing has changed due to excessive use of your headphones.

Are you looking for a free hearing test in Langley for your hearing concerns? Fraser Valley Beltone is a hearing centre dedicated to providing high-quality hearing care for our patients. Get in touch with us today to book an appointment!


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