Hearing & Understanding—What You Need to Know About Hearing Loss

Hearing aid consultation taking place at Fraser Valley Beltone in Abbotsford

Hearing loss is one primary concern of many adults, affecting about 14 percent of the adult population, including 25 percent of those over 55 years of age. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, about 14.9 percent of kids have some degree of hearing problems, as well. Certain factors affect the sense of hearing—genetics, age, and loud noises (most especially from those rock concerts you used to attend to). For some people, auditory loss happens so gradually that they don’t even realize it until it’s too late.


Categories of Hearing Loss


1. Sensorineural

People with this type of hearing loss normally have a defect or damage to the hearing nerve or the inner ear, probably due to disease, trauma, or congenital disorder.

2. Conductive

Sounds can be heard but cannot get through the inner ear, making it difficult for the brain to process and interpret the sound.

3. Auditory Neuropathy Spectrum Disorder

This happens when the inner ear is damaged and the brain is not able to interpret the sound anymore.

4. Mixed Hearing Loss

This refers to conductive and sensorineural problems combined.


What Happens When you Can Hear but Cannot Understand the Sound?

The hearing process is not only limited to the ears. The brain plays a vital role in processing and interpreting various sounds around you. It involves hearing and focus to understand something. There is a certain amount of energy required to process the sound, which can be complicated. It involves receiving sound waves and understanding them. You have to pay close attention to the person speaking—listen to every word and sentence they say. It is normal to hear the sounds, but you will have difficulties understanding what you hear. 


High-Frequency Hearing Loss

If you have trouble understanding the sounds, it could be an early sign of hearing loss. An audiogram is used to test your hearing. If you can hear but cannot understand the sounds, then you have a high-frequency hearing loss. People with this problem are said to have a sloping hearing problem, which means that they can hear sounds below 1,000 Hz or low-pitched sounds as normal as those without any hearing issues. However, sounds above 1,000 Hz or high-pitched sounds will need to be spoken louder before it can be heard or understood.

If you have this problem, you will notice that it will be challenging for you to comprehend sounds even in a quiet place. If there are background noises or you are in an environment where everyone is talking at once, following a conversation may be impossible. Talking on the phone may be a complicated task, watching television shows may prove to be challenging, and music may sound distorted, as well. Not being able to comprehend what you hear or wrongly interpreting the sounds you hear can take a toll on personal relationships, work, family, and general health.


Bottom Line

Hearing loss issues need to be treated to avoid any serious problems that will come along the way. A hearing professional will be able to assist you and determine any underlying issues for this concern. Most of the time, you will be recommended with a hearing aid that can amplify those high-pitched sounds that you are missing without the need to interfere with the low-pitched sounds. 

If you’re looking for hearing aids in Langley City, contact Fraser Valley Beltone today and see how we can help!

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