Balance And Hearing: A Lesser-Known Connection

Rocks balancing on top of eachother outside

Did you know that your ears do more than just help you hear? They also collaborate with other functions in your body to help you understand the physical space that you are taking. It’s common to think that understanding where you are, staying upright, and preventing yourself from falling are functions of your eyes and brain; however, there are other organs that are also involved in this process.

If you feel like you are going through a sudden hearing loss or hearing impairment, we understand how the experience can be very off-putting. Here is some information on balance disorders that are caused by hearing problems to help you better understand what you may be dealing with.


What affects the sense of balance?

The sense of balance is generated in a maze of bone and tissue that is located in the inner ear. This area holds the otolithic organs, semicircular canals, and the cochlea. The canals are primarily responsible for balance and look like three circular loops.

Each loop is responsible for detecting a different type of movement: one senses up and down, another senses side to side, and the last senses tilt. When the fluid inside these tubes move, the hair cells pick up on these movements and communicate these changes to the brain. This is how people understand the way they are occupying space.


What are balance disorders?

If you suspect that you are suffering from a condition that leads to a loss of balance or sense of vertigo, then it is highly likely related to balance disorders. This can be triggered by simple problems, like low blood pressure and ear infections; however, it could also be an indication of something more serious, such as tumours or improper blood circulation.

People suffering from balance disorders can have a difficult time orienting themselves in any kind of movement. They may feel nauseous when they get out of bed, roll over, or even just turn their head.


Can a loss of hearing affect my sense of balance?

When people suffer from hearing loss or ear problems, the semicircular canals in the ears do not function as well. As a result, it is possible for balance issues to result from these diseases or afflictions.

However, balance problems and hearing loss do not always happen in tandem. When they do, problems with function in the inner ear can result in dizziness, vertigo, nausea, and confusion with regards to one’s placement in space. You may start feeling confused about whether you are moving or just staying in one place. You may also struggle with staying upright or start feeling the symptoms of motion sickness from just standing still!

These are all serious ailments that can drastically hamper one’s ability to live a regular life. In fact, in some severe cases, people may even feel nauseous while they are lying down.



Many people who have problems finding and maintaining their balance eventually discover that their ears have something to do with it. Ear balance disorders and their connection to hearing loss may not be common knowledge, but suffering from one can make you feel unsteady or wobbly. It can contribute to overwhelming feelings of vertigo, which can affect your ability to walk, stand, and even sit.

The Beltone Hearing Centre caters to patients with hearing loss in Langley and Abbotsford. We are composed of a team of professionals that are capable of conducting tests, prescribing hearing aids, and helping you regain your sense of hearing and balance. Schedule an appointment with us today to find out more about what is affecting your ears!


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